Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogger, Blogger. Where for art thou, Blogger?

In the past few weeks I have been asked (in regards to my blog) if I have fallen off the face of the earth. Hmmm....let me check....nope still here! I would like to take this time to apologize to my legions of fans who have been saddened by my absence and I hope to make up for your disappointment ;-) Most of you know (but for those of you that didn't) that my most recent employment was with a local meat shop. Well (as far as I know) my last day was last week so I will finally be able to devote more attention to my dear blog!
I have to say, another thing that may be a bit of a distraction for me is this thing called Facebook. Have you seen this thing? Of course you have....who hasn't?!?! I tried to sign up with it a long time ago (right around the time of its birth) but I DID NOT understand it! So a little while later I tried my hand at Myspace. Slightly addicting and much easier to understand. Although, I think it may be the cause of some of the "debris" that has cluttered my computer! When my dear Uncle passed away last October, we reunited with some dear relatives. I decided then and there that I am going to make a conscious effort to stay in touch with family better! While gathering the necessary information so I could enforce my new cause, I found out that they don't myspace that much in SD but more of the Facebook. So I, once again, rejoined Facebook (which turns out can get pretty confusing for your friends and family when you have 2 accounts ;-) I will admit that it can still be slightly confusing at times but it is SUPER ADDICTING! I find myself saying all the time (in my head) "I will just sit down and check my page for a minute.....I don't have time to sit here all day." Then I find myself 2 hours later trying to get 2 hours worth of work done in 30 minutes!! For all of you fellow Facebookers out there....YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I can hear all of you saying now, "I don't know what she is talking about. I can quit anytime I want to!" Don't feel ashamed I feel your pain and is short and the laundry can wait! (unless you are completely out of clothes to wear and are still in your pajamas because that is all that is left!) **LIVE LIFE! HAVE FUN! LOVE OFTEN! LAUGH SO MUCH THAT PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE CRAZY!**
My name is Heather and I am a Facebook-aholic! Until next time....