Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Summer Haircuts

One of the first things I like to do after school lets out for summer is give my little boys their 1st haircut of the summer. As they get older they show more enthusiasm each year but complain about their heads getting cold when it is still snowing in June! (the weather sure has been weird lately!)  Gabriel told me that he wanted a mohawk this time. I was fine with that because I usually just shave them bald and figured if it turned out too bad I could just shave away the mistake. Well it didn't turn out too bad but Rollie told me that he didn't want a mohawk and he would be mad if I gave him one. I agreed I wouldn't but once in the chair he decided that he wanted one like big brother!  About 15 minutes after the hair cutting was over, Rollie came in crying because, in Gabriel's words....."I was going to fast on my bike and Rollie was going to slow and I ran over him with my bike!"  His bike, which is actually Rollie's, is a big wheel trike and he ran over his forehead with the big front wheel! I said it before and I will say it again.....boys are dangerous!!!! I hope you enjoy the mohawk pictures and the last one is to show what happens when your head gets in the way of a big wheel!

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