Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Call Me Crazy......

Ever since we moved into the new house with the gigantic back yard the kids have been hounding me for a new pet.....more like a new puppy.  We have tried several puppies over the years and it never failed....they never stayed little!  I admit that I almost caved and got a dog a couple of months ago....I was even going to (gasp) pay money for one.  I am one of those people that end up with a pet because they touched my heart...not to make someone else money. Although I would be willing to pay money to adopt a pet from a shelter....I am not completely made of stone. (although I think my kids would disagree with that)
   ANYWAYS, we saw a flyer this past Saturday advertising free kittens.  After a beautiful display of begging and a long list of pros with no cons by my oldest daughter, I discussed it with Al (discussed...informed, its all the same right?) and let her make the call.  After careful consideration I suggested to (told) Al that we should get 2 instead of 1 because they are siblings and they can keep each other company.  I know that if someone came and took my kids at 3 months old I would hope that they went out in pairs!  After a trip to the store for a cat box, cat litter and retrieval of said kittens, we now have 2 new members of the family.  They are still cute and fun at this point, although I doubt our other cat Blackie would agree......at least she only hisses and doesn't do that banshee growl she does when dogs are around...I think that must mean she likes them....or least that she doesn't intend to eat then for breakfast......

The black and white cutie would be Moonpie and the adorable all black one is Shadow....☺

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