Monday, May 23, 2011

3 Months Is A Looonngggg Time...

I say 3 months and you say "but she has been gone for a year?!".  It's true. I have dropped out of the blog scene for roughly a year but I am really wanting to get back into the swing of things, so here goes.
      I say 3 months because that is how much {precious} time I have gotten to spend with my wonderfully pleasant husband of 12 1/2 years.  Wow...when I say that many years out loud, 3 months doesn't seem so bad!  On January 23rd, 2011, I had a dream that my husband had fallen off a ladder at work and met a very undesirable outcome. (for those of you who are wondering....he died. I know, I know its horrible. I know.)
ANYWAYS, on January 25th, 2011 my sister called me (she works with my husband) to tell me that my husband had fallen off some scaffold at work. "He is breathing and alive but complaining of back pain. Don't panic, he's fine she says." My first thought was "My dream came true! I am a horrible wife!"  After securing my kids at Munga and JJ's (that is code for Grandma and Grandpa but that is another story) I pointed my car west towards Bozeman having no idea that this would be the first trip of MANY.  Luckily Mother Nature was kind to me and held the snow off.  I made it there in record time and yet was completely calm.  I found my husband's boss, my sister and my stepson in the waiting room. (They were hard to miss with the piles of dirt and sawdust they left everywhere.)  After they brought me up to speed, I went back to see my man.
   Long story short, we spent 2 days in the hospital, took a lot of good drugs, made A LOT of trips to Bozeman to see 2 for the pelvis and one for the wrist (which irritated me because they worked in the same office but we never could see them both in one trip--no, we had to go at least 2 or 3 times a week in the beginning!) learned how to get around and up and down stairs with a walker and then modified crutches. He was finally cleared to go back to work just over 3 months after the accident and is back on the job as we speak. (Thank God!....I mean, I love you honey!)  I do want to say that he was a pretty good patient and he tells me that I was a pretty good nurse. He just says that because he was thankful that I never made him sleep with a pillow over his face.....
   Through it all we learned that we still love each other after almost 13 years (i am not sure that the kids would say the same....Al is kind of an instigator--no, it's true) that we can get through anything together and thank God for Workman's Comp and AFLAC!

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