Friday, May 27, 2011

Where Is The Time Going?????

Is it me or does time seem to be moving faster and faster with each passing year?  I attended my favorite 2nd middle child's kindergarten graduation today and I could swear that he forcing his way out of my body yesterday! The day after he arrived I am pretty sure that his little brother was putting his finishing touches on ruining my body as he exited the "momma vessel", and yet he will be graduating from preschool at this time next year. Which, by my calculations of the speeding up of time, should be some time next week. Wow...if that's the case then I better get my Christmas shopping done! Oh wait.....i think the world is supposed to end December 21, 2012 so I am good!
   Anyways, 3 cheers for my little boy who is growing up! CONGRATULATIONS to Gabriel William Albert Myrstol.....we love you little man!

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