Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of School...2011

Well the day has finally arrived. I get to spend my days in peace and quiet again. Yes, school has started.  Now all the fighting that is done for my viewing and hearing pleasure will be done after school and on weekends.  Don't get me wrong, I will miss having them around but I think I can get used to it!
  Usually on the first day of school every child wants me to go to their classroom first and gets mad when I finally have to choose one and it wasn't them.  This year, however, everyone ran off to their own classrooms and left me and the youngest in the dust.  So I bought planners for the older two (these things didn't exist when I was in school) and headed to Gabriel's classroom first.  What a sweet boy. I told him I would help him find his desk.....which had his name on it.......which he was literally standing right next to.  I told him "look for the desk that has your name on it". He chose a desk a whole row away with a girl's name on it.....oh no! Did he forget his name over the summer break?  I doubt it.....he heard his name in it's entirety plenty this summer.  Good luck Mrs. W. 
  As for the other two....I took Madison her planner and she barely paid heed to my presence until....when I turned to leave I thought she was gonna ask me to stay for the day.  I knew she wanted a hug and kiss goodbye but that would be totally uncool for a six grader.  As for Emily the eighth grader.....she took the planner hugged her little brother and told me "bye mom".  I know it was code for go away but I read between the lines and distinctly heard "Goodbye Mother. I Love you. Thanks for being the best mom a girl could ask for. I can't wait to see you after school to tell you about my day and, oh yeah, I promise to clean my room and do the dishes after supper."
    My littlest starts his 2nd year of preschool the 29th.  I feel I should make the best of this year with him for next year I will surrender him to the public school system and I will find myself childless 8-3 M-F for the time in 13 years. Weird.  HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL TO KIDS AND PARENTS!