Saturday, April 9, 2016

4 Years in 4 Minutes....Annnnnnnd Go!

Since my last 2012 post, some things have happened. Some that I remember and some that I don't. I will do my best to highlight what my aging brain can remember. (it is, after all, 4 years older and over 40 now.)
   In the last 4 years my oldest has endured school and is now a soon-to-be graduating senior. Whaaat?  She has also become a Viking, apparently.

 Those who know her know that her small ponytail is now a long braid through the magic of hair extensions. She has become addicted to a show called Vikings and chooses to look the part....sort of.  It is a look that will never be forgotten due to the photographic evidence of Senior pictures. :)  She don't leave the house much so that's all there is to say about that. ;)
   The 2nd oldest is now a sophomore in high school. Just yesterday we were fighting over 6th grade math!! She has been a cheerleader the last 2 years and we are super proud of that!!
Oh and they both have gotten their driver's licenses!
    The 2nd middle is now in 5th grade (thank God he made it). He just finished his 6th year in basketball. We are hoping he will go out again next year....he will get to play against other schools which is exciting! He wants to play football like his big brothers but he says it's still not the sport for him because he isn't big enough. He started baseball practice last week. He started with T Ball in Kindergarten, and now this is his first year in the Majors. My sweet little man will be 11 in May!! Oh, and he had his 1st band concert at Christmas! It was more fun for me because I finally got to buy dress clothes for a little boy! :)
 Our youngest little man is now a 3rd grader. He has his ups and downs with school but I think he has finally made peace with the fact that school is his "job" for the next 9 years and he ain't getting out of it! ;)  He has always been my adventurous one, usually sporting a Mohawk with weird colors. He had one such hairdo that earned him the nickname Skittles. I usually post his funny random saying and advice on Facebook but I am hoping to catch a few gems for here! ;)  The newest thing to happen for him was glasses....he was the last in the family to get them. I think they make him look pretty handsome! ♥

 As for me and Al, I would have to say our biggest news would be that we became grandparents!! (Weird right??...I always thought grandparents were little old people with white hair, not cool hip people such as ourselves!)  Little Taylor Rosemary was born on September 10, 2015.  She can be a turd bird but we LOVE her just the same! ♥ We love her Mama to pieces and we could not ask for a better mother to our grandbaby!! Oh and her dad is pretty great too! :) Al found a new hobby sand carving glass. I will have a separate post about this because it is so awesome and so is he!
   As a family, we got a dog. Her name is Jayda Blue and we got her 1.5 years ago. She is a turd bird but we love her just the same! ♥ We have the 4 cats that we have always had but we did acquire a fish last fall. (By us I mean Emily got it as a gift from the volleyball coach as a gift for Senior Honor Night) His name is Levi....he is a turd bird but we love him just the same! ♥ (because fish are so darn hard to take care of...)
   I am sure that more than this has happened in 4 years but like I said....the memory thing! That and some things are worthy of their own post! Until next time....

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

4 Years?? Really?? Where Has The Time Gone??

According to my calculations, it has been 4 years since I last blogged. WTH??  I am at that age in my life where everything feels like it just happened yesterday. (Except for the stuff that happened yesterday...that feels like it was years ago!)  Please forgive this post for I may appear a bit rusty...4 years will do that to ya.  It took me all afternoon to redo the layout and pretty colors so I'm going to have to take a break and come back in a bit for the next post.  I will attempt a condensed version of what my little happy family has been up to in the last 4 years. Stay tuned......