Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who doesn't love the first day of school?

I would say most kids everywhere but it is a different story when you ask most parents :-)Yesterday was the first day of school for my two oldest. All summer long they talked about how much they hated school but also how bored they were! When we went school shopping they got pretty excited but it faded quickly! The night before the first day of school they, again, thought that school was dumb....mostly because it was the start of their early to bed schedule but come the next morning (after they finally woke up) they got pretty excited again! They couldn't wait to get there so we could inspect the class room and see where their desks were -- hoping that it was right next to their best friend! Well my oldest was happy with everything but my second oldest was already worried that school would be hard and and she might not make it through....and this was after only 10 minutes! She may have had a premonition of a bad day.....during her first recess of the year she got smacked in the eye by a runaway tether ball and she wound up with her first black eye! What a way to start the first day!!!!!
My third child gets to start preschool next Tuesday! He seemed to understand this yesterday but this morning he threw a full on fit when I dropped the 2 oldest off because he thought he was going too....bless his heart! I only hope that he has the same enthusiasm next week when he realizes for the first time that mommy doesn't get to go to school with you!!!! Hopefully the coming year will be smooth sailing for all!! Until next time.....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How not to race a car....101

I say "how not to race a car" because I am pretty sure you can't get too far on your roof! Lol. The car in the photo is my brother's race car. He lives in Ree Heights, SD and races in Miller, SD just about every Friday night from Apr/May to Sept. This is where the last leg of our vacation took place a few weeks ago. The night we were there he just missed out on the trophy by about a 1/2 a car length but did end up with the infamous watermelon. On this night, I was told, he was again vying for the trophy when he encounter a little "car trouble". I was bummed when they said that the season might be over but was happy when we got the news that it was "game on!" Even if first impression tells you that the season is over an avid racer will find a way to come back!!!! Way to go Team LaVoy!!!! I used to live in Winner, SD and attend the races every weekend. I didn't realize how much I missed racing until I went to Miller Speedway!!!! As I said before....It may have been our first time there but I highly doubt it will be our last!!!! I send a BIG "GOOD LUCK" out to 4 LaVoy's Racing and I look forward to seeing a pic of you holding the trophy this weekend! (even if you get the watermelon it means that you stayed on your wheels :-)

Until next time....(P.S. these other pics are of the car in the daylight)