Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How not to race a car....101

I say "how not to race a car" because I am pretty sure you can't get too far on your roof! Lol. The car in the photo is my brother's race car. He lives in Ree Heights, SD and races in Miller, SD just about every Friday night from Apr/May to Sept. This is where the last leg of our vacation took place a few weeks ago. The night we were there he just missed out on the trophy by about a 1/2 a car length but did end up with the infamous watermelon. On this night, I was told, he was again vying for the trophy when he encounter a little "car trouble". I was bummed when they said that the season might be over but was happy when we got the news that it was "game on!" Even if first impression tells you that the season is over an avid racer will find a way to come back!!!! Way to go Team LaVoy!!!! I used to live in Winner, SD and attend the races every weekend. I didn't realize how much I missed racing until I went to Miller Speedway!!!! As I said before....It may have been our first time there but I highly doubt it will be our last!!!! I send a BIG "GOOD LUCK" out to 4 LaVoy's Racing and I look forward to seeing a pic of you holding the trophy this weekend! (even if you get the watermelon it means that you stayed on your wheels :-)

Until next time....(P.S. these other pics are of the car in the daylight)

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