Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Great Loss Is Mourned

A golden heart stopped beating,
Working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.

The Myrstol family lost it's patriarch on November 5, 2009. 
   David had been sick for a time and we all knew the end was coming, but when it did it was still a shock.  It is strange when you know that someone is gone but it still doesn't seem real.  You will be going along with your day and then all of a sudden the thought of them being no longer of the physical world SLAPS you across the face.  I know that everyone has dealt with death in one way or another, but that doesn't mean it ever gets easy.  It makes you stop and think about many things.  You think...why didn't I spend more time with them while they were alive?  Why didn't I write down every sage piece of advice they ever gave me?  Why didn't I give them a hug and a kiss every chance I had?  Why? Why? Why? 
Well, I for one, believe that even after a person is gone they are not really gone.  They may leave their broken earthly vessel that was their body behind, but they are still with us, always.  They are the whisper in the trees or the invisible caress upon your cheek.  They are the beautiful sunrise or sunset that takes your breath away.  They are in the unexpected hug from a child that warms your heart.  They are the pennies from heaven that you find in the oddest of places.  They want us to know that even though they are gone physically they are always with us spiritually.
 I know that death can be a hard thing for many people to deal with.  Rather than focus on the fact that a loved one is gone, I choose to revel in the epic story of their life that they wrote while they were earthbound.  And believe me, David wrote quite a story.  Some may think he was a man of few words, but when he had something to say.....he said it!  I enjoyed when he would come over for dinner or stop in for coffee and tell stories about when he was a little boy.  Listening to him made me come to realize that I am pretty sure that my children DO get their mischieviousness from the Myrstol side! ;-) Most of his stories usually included the antics of himself and his brother Elmer, but I can't help but wonder if my boys, Gabriel & Rollie couldn't have given them a run for their money! ;-)  Something tells me, though, that David was able to use those brown eyes and sly grin to charm his way out of a sticky situation a time or two. 
  I am sorry that I never got the chance to meet Rosemary, but I know that David loved her very much.  I know that David was very proud of the family that he and Rosemary created.  He was proud of their ranch and it showed through all of their hardwork. I know that he was proud to call Jerry, Jan, Ben and Birdina his good friends.  I know that he worried about his beloved cat Henry like it was his 10th child.....and I also know that David William Albert Myrstol was a great man who was greatly loved and will be missed by many.


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