Friday, November 14, 2008

Milestones for the new generation....

This ain't Dr. Spock's milestones! My kids have reached all of the normal marks....crawling, walking, running, talking. As far as height and weight go, they have always had the odds stacked against them. You see, I was a chubby child and my husband's family is notorious for "their lack of height." (they are not short....they just aren't tall)
The new milestones I am talking about are the ones that most parents DON'T want to talk about. At least not outside the realm of other parents. Gabriel and Rollie have learned how to use everything imaginable as a gun! Everyone would like to consider themselves a perfect parent who does all the right things, but it can be a little embarrassing when your little angel picks up a (insert any inanimate object here) and pretends to shoot (insert the name of anyone they encounter) and proceeds to tell them that they are going to shoot their face off! That is just AWESOME! My girls were never like that so this has been an interesting avenue for us. I also love how they love to take things apart without the knowledge of putting it back together! Gabriel's new favorite thing is to turn everything into a chainsaw! That is all well and good until he tries to saw little brother in half without his permission! Which brings me to my next milestone....fighting! My sweet, cuddly, angelic little baby boy has turned a corner....he is now training to become a World Wrestling Federation wrestler! I guess after being sawed in half one too many times for your liking you have to learn how to defend yourself! He was always the sweet innocent one but has now become the one who is constantly being tattled on for being mean. He has become quite good at the hair pulling and the all-too-uncomfortable punch to the back. (that is big brother's favorite) For the past couple of days the 2 boys have developed a new favorite game....spread out blankets (for what I am guessing is a wrestling mat) and go to town walloping one another. I guess they need to get that energy out somehow (and I don't see either one of them becoming a concert pianist or a world famous painter) so I usually let it go until the crying starts. Now if I could just get them to learn how to refold all of the blankets and put them away.....(hey a mother can dream)
Other than being caught and explaining the whole S-E-X thing to your kids, (which is a whole other story entirely) my absolute favorite milestone that a child can reach is when they learn how to cuss! Oh, the memories! Gabriel's favorite new word is the F-word....and I am not talking farfignugen! He will be playing away and he will call little brother an F'er! NICE! My husband and I were talking one day and he said it and we both stopped in our tracks. When I asked him, "what did you say?" He said it again with perfect annunciation....I guess we all need to be good at something -- Gabriel's is the art of language! It is even better when they say these words in front of people....who hear them -- good times!!
I know that there are more great milestones to come....I have 2 brothers and I was witness to many acts of "brotherly love" (which usually involved the big brother pounding the little brother) and I have heard some great stories of "brotherly love" shared between my husband and his little brother -- I truly cannot wait! (I also have 2 sisters with whom I shared a little "sisterly love" from time to time....just ask my little sister) I think all brothers and sisters share this loving bond...."That which love makes the bones grow stronger" -- the new credo for all siblings everywhere! Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. It works cross-gender too! After threatening my brother with a kitchen knife and locking myself in my room, he tried to break down the door...until he noticed it was working! We were both more concerned with how Mom and Dad would react to the broken door than to our mutually slashed and broken bodies! But that was a year ago... you should have seen us as children!
