Friday, May 8, 2009


Since I will be getting to spend Mother's Day this year in a bowling alley with my mom, I am taking this time to wish all of the mother's (the kind with children.....) I know a very Happy Mother's Day!

I don't know about you all but Mother's Day in my house is a little different than those depicted on television! On TV they get diamond earrings and necklaces. At my house I get a pumpkin plant that didn't even make it home before it got uprooted and died...and I get a vase made from soup cans that holds a beautiful array of paper flowers....and I get a tastefully made T-shirt with designs on it. (as of this post I haven't got to see the shirt yet but was told to act surprised when I get it) I get cards that say Happy Mother's Day in scribbles (you have to be a mommy to able to read it) and I get dandelion and weed bouquets that sit in a glass of water on my kitchen table until I get tired of wiping up all of the stuff that falls off and finally throw them away. (It can be quite devastating when the little ones realize that you have thrown their gift into the garbage) I get homemade picture frames with my kids' pictures in them and I get hugs and kisses.
These are the kinds of gifts that make being a mom special and I wouldn't trade them for all of the diamonds in the world!

Again I say, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all!


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you also!! I just love all the homemade gifts. Your post made me smile thinking about them.

  2. Don't forget the macaroni necklaces! I get breakfast in bed, usually about an hour or two before I would have liked! ;) (Whoo hoo! Of course I love Fruity Pebbles!) Those television Mother's Days are a conspiracy put forth by the jewelry stores. But oddly enough, those TV Father's Days, where Dad gets a new grill, that actually happens. Quite the mystery. (Insert resentful sarcasm here.)
