Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Creative or "Special"?

I love humor. I love funny things, especially things that make me laugh out loud. I will admit that I have been know to laugh at other people's pain (i.e, falling out of a computer chair and hurting their elbow or whacking themselves in the shin or back of the head with a golf club....oh wait, that was me) In the event of "painful" funny I will at least make sure that the said object of humor isn't gonna die before I break out in hysterical laughter. I have a sister who is really bad about laughing at pain which leads me to wonder if it wasn't inherited. (possibly from out paternal grandfather.....he was a funny old coot!)
The reason for my title Creative or Special was due to the fact that my boys were playing dress up and i caught a few pics on camera....(cell phone so please forgive the quality). They were pretending to be monkeys which is why they have gloves on their feet. I had to laugh at Gabriel because he looked like a "chicken-monkey" because the hat that he was wearing made him look like he had a thingy on his head like a rooster!
One story that ALWAYS makes people laugh is the one about the flaming marshmallow. Long story short, we were visiting friends and their friends at their camp. I was roasting marshmallows and Al thought it would be funny to grab the stick I was using. We starting fighting over it like 2 little kids when the inevitable happened. Al let go and it snapped back in my hand which sent the flaming marshmallow at the other end sailing through the great big sky....all the way to the top of one of the other camper's heads. Unfortunately for her she wasn't wearing her hat and it glopped right into her hair!!! We all watched it happen in slow know how it is --you can see the end result but you just can't do anything to stop it even though it seems like you would have had plenty of time!! (Kind of like when you are running in a dream but you never really seem to get anywhere!) For anyone that was watching me and Al, they saw us drop that stick like it was on fire! I couldn't even blame it on him because he pointed the finger at me first! Looking back on it.........2 grown adults fighting over a stick with a ooey gooey marshmallow on it -- who didn't see that coming??????
P.S....Speaking of laughing outloud -- have any of you ever met my good friend Jenny??!?

1 comment:

  1. All you had to say was "marshmallow story" and I was already laughing out loud! Priceless.
