Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer's End....Happy or Sad??

With summer coming to close I find myself happy and sad. Happy (very, very happy) that school is starting again but sad that golf will be coming to an end. I have come to look forward to my Wednesday golf night with the ladies. A big part of the fun is spend a few hours with my extremely hilarious sister-in-law Autumn. (yes -- of Autumn Daesy blog fame) Her and I share a unique flair for being able to carry on a conversation consisting entirely of movie quotes. At times not an easy feat but highly us anyways! Some people just look at us like "What the hell are they talking about? Are they high?" Yes. we are high on life....and beer and wine! Beer for me and wine for her...for those of you who HAVEN'T heard the story -- I found out the hard way that 1) wine and golf don't go well together (unless you are an experienced wine girl like Autumn) and 2) I should never attempt to drink Autumn drink for drink! I am not saying that she is a wino or alcoholic.....more like experienced -- (who we kidding Autumn, you could hold your own when drinking with pirates!) I often wonder if I wasn't adopted because I don't have the ability to drink like the rest of my family, but I feel that I am getting better at it! I can actually drink a beer (without tomato juice) and not fact, I will often have another! Now that I have gotten side tracked by the whole drinking aspect of golf, let us talk about the other part of Frankly, I feel that Autumn must secretly fear for her personal safety every time she gets into that golf cart with me! (and if she don't she probably should!) The part that I find funny is that no matter how many near brushes with death we have had, she still makes ME sit in the driver's seat! Now that is courage! Women like her should be in the military....I can hear her flash back story to the grandkids now....."Yeah, I was in the war. But I was never more scared then that time when I almost lost my leg golfing with your Aunt Heather. She was a squirrely one....never knew what she was gonna do. I would go left and she would too, in the cart. Always had to be on your toes around her. Sometimes she wouldn't even wait for me to get into the cart before she would take off....or make me scoop up balls from the cart at full speed! You ask why I ain't afraid of the Taliban? Because, Sir, I golfed with Heather Myrstol!" To all of you who
enjoy the game of golf......May your balls fly straight and may you never lose the pink one!!!!

My favorite golf buddy!
My new golf beer!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! At least you got a picture of me with wine in my hand! I'll be sad when golf is over as well...we'll have to come up with something else to do on Wednesday nights! (Or just tell the husbands we're still golfing...they might not figure it out until Christmas time!)
