Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bedtime....Always Fun!

School is finally in full swing.  Having said that, I think my kids are still on the summer schedule.  Around our house, bedtime is 9:00pm. (My husband wishes it was 7:00)  I have come to the conclusion that if I want my darlings in bed by 9, I'd better start herding them in that direction around 7:30 and then maybe, just maybe things will fall into place.  My children are the masters of distraction.  When I say it is time to get ready for bed, they head towards their room and then shut the door and get lost in the TV.  When they are that quiet I forget (for only a moment) where I have sent them and why but, nonetheless, am enjoying the peace and quiet.  When I finally go back to check on them I get crazy because they haven't done one thing that I have asked.  Seeing the crazy in my eyes they hop to (or pretend to) and get ready for bed.  Apparently they have a condition that doesn't allow them to go to sleep unless I have tucked them in. (and it has to be ME, not even Dad will do at this point...I think it may all be part of their devious plan to avoid bed) After many mooches and hugs and tucks (and I say MANY because if I give an "incorrect" hug or mooch we have to start all over) I finally get out of there and by now it is usually past 9:30.  What procrastinators......(I think I have worked with people with this same condition!)  Funnily enough, it doesn't end there.  After I get them all to bed and have made it to bed myself, there is nothing like the feeling you get when you are just drifting off and you open your eyes and you have your nine year old 2 inches from your face.  She has, yet again, heard noises and wants to sleep in our room.  I tell her that there are 3 other people sleeping in the room with her...if the boogy man does show up she needs only to outrun her brothers and sister that I don't care but she has to sleep on the floor.  I only let my kids sleep on the floor in my room.  You would think that this would discourage them from it......not my kids.  When I get out of bed in the mornings I get to run an obstacle course of bodies.  All of my kids sleep with their blankets over their heads so if I happen to step on someone I can usually tell who it is by the noise they make.  I have accidentally step on a few of them and you would think that would discourage them....not my kids.  And don't even get me started on what it is like trying to explain to the husband why I am "not in the mood" is very hard to get the romance going with all of your previous "creations of love" just waiting to question your every move......I can't wait until bedtime tonight....maybe I will start the proceedings at 6 tonight......

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that!! Why doesn't needing to sleep on the floor discourage kids? It would discourage me...
