Monday, May 28, 2012

Taking Monkies To The Zoo

I almost forgot....I was one of the lucky parents that got to tag along on the 1st grade field trip to Zoo Montana on Wednesday, May 16th, 2012.  It was very hot but very fun.  I had a great group of kids that accompanied me through the zoo. We got to see a tiger, snakes, bears, a wolf, eagles and we even saw a peacock trying to romance a pepsi machine!  They had a blast feeding the goats and we got to sit on a gopher community to eat our lunch.  Lastly, we hit the gift shop and Gabriel found a new buddy...he named him Reggie! Thanks kids....spending time with you never gets old!

"Zoo Boy" from the news talking about the snake in his arms

Mr. Peacock showing off for the his girlfriend

all the kids flocking to the bus driver, Ron, during lunch. :-)

My cool group--Gabriel, Charlie, Jake and Natalie

The Coolies with eagles in the background

The eagles posing for me

The Coolies posing with the monkey

This peacock was actually showing off to the pepsi machine behind him

Too cute....

Jake was capturing the bears

Gabe and Reggie the Snake

I Told You I Would Be Back

Well here I am.  I have survived a preschool graduation and an 8th grade graduation. I have survived making 3 sheet cakes and 48 cupcakes. I have survived cleanup after 8th grade graduation and I have survived letting my little man go to his 1st ever sleep over with someone other than family. We all had a great time and the best part is that I didn't have to fight to get the kids ready for school!  Please enjoy the following pictures of our graduation any good bad mom, I didn't get a very good
picture of my 8th grader but I will be posting some when the "better" ones come to me. Have a great day!

Rollie's preschool graduation cake

Preschool cake....again

Waiting his turn at the famous preschool track meet

Dad was Rollie's race buddy

Maddie spruced up for graduation

Gabe got bored and decorated Munga (Grandma)

I got the graduate and JJ(grandpa) in one picture

Heading over to get his diploma

1 of 2 8th grade graduation cakes
                           Cake #2 of 8th grade
48 cupcakes for 8th grade graduation

8th grade graduation class motto (LOVE IT!)

Emily actually getting her diploma (I don't claim to be a professional photographer)

oh, and we ate another smurf!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Well today is a milestone. My last baby is graduating from preschool.  My hero Linda has taught all four of my children and Rollie is the last one. THANK YOU Linda for hanging in there for is OK to retire now. :-) ( gotta wait 1 more year for my nephew, Sabien, to graduate...haha) I am gearing up to decorate my sheet cake for the graduation this afternoon.  We will attend the graduation this evening and watch Rollie become an official kindergartner! THEN.......tomorrow, I get to bake & decorate 48 cupcakes and decorate 2 more sheet cakes for my oldest Emily's 8th grade graduation! Good thing I had all my kids so close together.  ;-)  Oh, and I get to make treats for Gabriel's class for his birthday treats! Well, I am off to get my housework done before I pick up the graduate from this last day of preschool but I will be back in the next day or two to let you know how it all went and hopefully a few cake pictures too!

Friday, May 18, 2012

My First Post of 2012...and It's Only May

For the one or two of you who read my blog I apologize that I have been missing in action.  I lost my computer for quite some time due to a nasty virus and I couldn't get my fingers to do the walking on my phone keyboard...excuse, excuse, blah, blah.....BUT, I am back and I hope to be here more and more. I was very sad during my hiatus because, as you all know, I am very fond of writing about all the funny stuff my kids say and do. Trust me there were many but alas, I have forgotten most of them but trust me when I say they were SUPER hilarious at the time!  Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you all know that I hope to have many more funny stories to come!  Until then, I am going to post some pics of some happenings since a few months ago when school started. gets out next week...I have been gone a while.....While I was gone we........
 had a campfire
 went to Hawaii (I wish)
 saw a sunset
 slept a lot
fell off the monkey bars
got a blue mohawk

 got a red mohawk
 went to jail
 learned to drive
 learned to shave
 ate chocolate
 went to a waterpark
 got an orange mohawk
got a green mohawk and ate a smurf.

Man, we sure are a busy group!