Friday, May 18, 2012

My First Post of 2012...and It's Only May

For the one or two of you who read my blog I apologize that I have been missing in action.  I lost my computer for quite some time due to a nasty virus and I couldn't get my fingers to do the walking on my phone keyboard...excuse, excuse, blah, blah.....BUT, I am back and I hope to be here more and more. I was very sad during my hiatus because, as you all know, I am very fond of writing about all the funny stuff my kids say and do. Trust me there were many but alas, I have forgotten most of them but trust me when I say they were SUPER hilarious at the time!  Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you all know that I hope to have many more funny stories to come!  Until then, I am going to post some pics of some happenings since a few months ago when school started. gets out next week...I have been gone a while.....While I was gone we........
 had a campfire
 went to Hawaii (I wish)
 saw a sunset
 slept a lot
fell off the monkey bars
got a blue mohawk

 got a red mohawk
 went to jail
 learned to drive
 learned to shave
 ate chocolate
 went to a waterpark
 got an orange mohawk
got a green mohawk and ate a smurf.

Man, we sure are a busy group!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. Never tried Smurf's to eat... do you fry or bake them? ;)
