Friday, June 8, 2012

When We Were Farmers.....

On Sunday June 3rd Munga and JJ came out to the house to plant the garden.  We had terrible luck last year...we planted it on the hottest day EVER and then the garden got hailed on and flooded the very next day!  When things started to finally sprout up a lot of it was not where we had planted it. :-)
Well my sweet littlest man decided he didn't want to get dressed that day so we had help planting from "Superman". They are fuzzy pajamas...he had to be sweating! I was sweating!  When we sat down to take a break Gabriel looked at me and said, "I didn't know we were farmers but we are now."  Apparently his dad told him earlier that since he helped plant he was now a farmer.  I am grateful for the experience that we all got to spend time together and it will be something that the little boys will always remember!  Now lets just hope that Mother Nature cooperates this year because I really really want some cucumbers from the garden!!!!!!!!

Superman helping Munga plant corn.

Superman just being his cool self.

Munga, JJ and farmer Gabe.

How many men does it take to tamp the dirt? :-)

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