Friday, April 25, 2008

Since I Have Nothing ELSE To Do.....

As you read this you will probably figure out that I am new to the blogging scene. (writing them not reading them) My sister in law started one a while back and, I must say, I practically pee my pants everytime I read her posts. (because they are funny not because I have any kind of medical condition) Since I am a stay at home mom of 4 WONDERFULLY ANGELIC (I barely got that typed out before I had to stop and wipe the tears from my eyes because I was laughing so hard!) children, I thought I would start a blog that would allow me to share all of my trials and tribulations as said mom. I chose to title my first attempt "Since I have nothing ELSE to do.....because I get such a kick out of the people who don't spend much time around children....You know the ones -- They ask, "So what do you do for a living?" I reply, "I am a stay at home mom." Then, without truly understanding what they are saying they reply, "A STAY AT HOME MOM?! YOU ARE SOOOO... LUCKY!" "Really?" I ask. "Have you met my kids?" Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my children but sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve this....Oh wait, I remember now -- somewhere back in my childhood I vaguely remember hearing my mom threaten me with those famous words...."I hope that when you have kids they act exactly like you did!" Well guess what mom? You got your wish only I think God sprinkled a little extra hot sauce on mine!!!! It is pretty funny how when you are young you think that your parents know nothing but as soon as you have kids you realize just what true geniuses they really are! If only we had listened sooner!
My goal for this blog is to be able to share funny stories and anything else that comes to mind....let's just hope that it doesn't get in the way of my bon bon eating, magazine reading and soap watching time -- after all, isn't that what all stay at home mom's do? I gotta go -- Dr. Phil is on! Until next time......

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl friend. Love it. Keep it up. How is the family and hubby doing? I know you have nothing else to do so Im not sure when you will have time to keep this up but u will!!!! Love you
