Saturday, April 26, 2008

What is a "Headyball"?

Many people have asked me what does Headyball mean? Well, to be quite honest with you, I'm not really sure myself! Apparently it was a nickname given to me by a dear friend of the family when I was just a little tyke. I have always been curious what a Headyball is but I feel safe in betting that whatever it is there is only one. I admit that I have been dubbed with numerous nicknames over the years, (some that might not be appropriate to mention here :-) but for some strange reason this was the one that stuck. I guess it isn't all bad.....Fat Fred or Heather Bofeather could have been the keepers! (There is always something worse, right?
Just ask my daughter what she thinks of nicknames.......Joe Dirt and Creep are two of her least favorites! In all fairness though, there is a story behind Joe Dirt. One day, as I was watching over my children with my eagle eye, my precious little girl decided that her bangs were too long and she proceeded to cut them to the length that resembled a scraggly rooster tail jutting off of her forehead. (Good thing was that she used her school safety scissors -- wouldn't want her to poke an eye out!) Did I mention that it was summer and my little darling had managed to avoid the bathtub for a few days? Thanks to the combination of the rooster tail bangs and hair that looked like she had been rolling around in a pine tree, my little angel now had a beautifully crafted mullet! Ah, the mullet.......a hairdo for any occasion, really. Anyways, when her dad got home and saw the mullet plus the dirty face plus the high water bibs she was wearing he couldn't help but dub her Joe Dirt!! (For those of you that have seen the movie Joe Dirt --and honestly, who hasn't-- she greatly resembled the young version of Joe when he got left at the Grand Canyon!) So there you have it.....there is always something worse, just ask Joe! Until next time....

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