Monday, June 9, 2008

Is that sunshine I see?

I woke up this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see an actual blue sky with no clouds and a ball of sun in it. Until I looked out the other side of the house and found the clouds! All in all it is still, by far, the best start to a day we have had in a while. They say (and by they I mean the people who seem to think they know how to predict the weather) that it is suppose to be nice without rain this weekend (I will believe it when I see it) so hopefully we will be getting the deck done! (I will post a pic of the 9th wonder of the world when it is finished!)
Besides the deck, we have another new addition to the teenage bottomless pit -I mean step son - has come to live with us for the summer. I have 2 boys of my own, but they are still little and they aren't capable of consuming A LOT of whatever they eat....YET!!! I guess it is good practice for when they get older!! I guess, in a way, my 15 month old is practicing for the future -- you can open anything with a wrapper a good mile away and he will be at your side begging in nothing flat!! He really doesn't care what it is either....however, I don't think he will be begging for those jalapeno chip again anytime soon!! I better go.....something just crashed to the floor -- gotta see what it was and survey the damage -- I am guessing that the "invisible kid" named "NOT ME" did it!! Hopefully one of these days I will catch that darn kid in the act!! Until next time....

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