Monday, June 30, 2008

4th of July ALREADY?!?!?!?!

Is it just me or does it seem almost impossible that it is the 4th of July already?! I used to think summer went too fast as a kid but I find that as I get older it goes by like that super fast train in Europe! (sorry I don't know the name --hehe--probably going to fast to read the name on the side anyway!) My mom is usally the one who throws the big 4th bash but since she has moved to a smaller house I get to do it this year. The funny thing is that I live in a small trailer house on the outskirts of town (probably about the same size as hers) but I have a fenced in yard (to protect any little ones from the occasional rouge horseshoe) and a new big deck -- the 9th wonder of the world, as stated in a previous blog. We are very proud of our deck but, alas, it still is not quite finished. My husband keeps reminding me that the unfinished part is the "finishing" (staining) part which was agreed in the beginning to be my part. So, I guess I better wrap this up so I can mow the yard, do the laundry, clean the house, take care of the kids, clean out the abyss we call our van, make dinner and plan for the 4th of July party so that I can do my part and get the staining done! HOPE EVERYONE HAS A HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! Until next time....

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