Monday, June 2, 2008

Ever wonder what stress looks like??

In case any of you haven't experienced extreme stress in a while, you should try building a wedding cake! Even when I have a good feeling in the beginning that all will go well, I am usually frazzled by the end of the day. (as is my husband -- he puts in just as much work as I do!) My last endeavor (this past weekend) was none the different. I had my cakes baked ahead of time and had all the things that I needed to get it done. I thought I was going right on time and then I had a fight with the frosting. I had one cake once where I had gotten so upset that I ended up throwing it and the frosting across the room. (it was one my first attempts before I knew a few trade secrets) Luckily, this time wasn't quite that drastic!! The funny thing is that every time I agree to do a wedding cake I swear that it will be my last......until next time. The other funny thing is that I am always thinking how great it would be to own a cake shop -- you would think that 4 kids and husband would be stressful enough, but I guess a girl can dream!! Also every time I do one I think that I haven't really done that many but then I always pull out the pictures and reminisce and realize that I have done my fair share. I know that the artist is always the most critical of their work (THAT WOULD BE ME) but I guess I must not do to bad of a job or people would stop asking me, right?! LOL! I guess it is a good sign that they still ask -- when they stop asking I will know that it is time to hang up the apron!
I have to say, I feel a little guilty about my son's third birthday -- it was actually on the day of the wedding so we celebrated his birthday a day later. I feel guilty because I have always made all of my kids' birthday cakes and I was not super-mom enough to do it this year. I just so happened to kill two birds with one stone by asking Miss Dairy Queen to fill in for me......."cake" and ice cream all in one -- ingenious!!!! Luckily for me he is only 3 and a boy so I think I may have been more effected by it than he. LOL!! Anyways, hope you enjoy the pictures (the one on the left is the one I did this weekend -- the one on the right is just one that I thought turned out pretty good!) Until next time....

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