Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good thing I am not a vegetarian....(or work for PETA)

Because if I was I don't think I would last very long at my new job. Yes, I said J-O-B! I decided that being a stay at home mom wasn't challenging enough so I decided to take a stab at working at a nifty little meat locker called Pioneer Meats. Did I mention that I have been out of the work force for about 4 years? Lucky for me I didn't have to deal with "being the new guy" jitters since I, once again, work with one of my sisters and my mom when she isn't watching my 2 youngest. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I had a job that I didn't work with at least one of my immediate family! Gotta love that small town life!! Anyways, for those of you that have never actually been to a meat locker it usually has a distinct odor like no other. I used to say that I didn't think that there was any way that I could ever work in a place like that but, huh, go figure! Amazingly enough, once you are in the environment you don't really notice any weird smell except for the occasional "overly exposed to the elements" wild game!!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN!!!!.....that is one smell that I think could be used on death row -- who needs lethal injection?!?!?! I spend most of my days in a little corner by myself wrapping meat. When I am not there you can find me in the freezer trying to find orders that are usually way in the back at the bottom of the most inconvenient stack!!!! Not a good place to be with 2o lbs of steel in your ears!....maybe I should invest in a set of ear muffs or one of those cool furry hats that you would imagine every person in Russia owning! (for those of you who don't understand....I have 7 steel earrings in each ear!) All in all it is a pretty cool job and I get along with all who I work with. Hopefully I will still be able to keep my Tuesdays free for "coffee" with the girls!! Until next time....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another wedding in the books.....

No...not mine -- 2 is enough for me! LOL If you ever find yourself not feeling your age and would like to feel A LOT older, I suggest you attend a wedding of someone you remember meeting when they were in the 4th grade. (I felt a little old even then) We attended my niece's wedding and, to quote Autumndaesy, "Man was it cold!" We went to the rehearsal the night before and let me just was it cold! Three of our four lovely chitlins were in the wedding party. Unfortunately our little boy developed a horrible cold the day before and wasn't really down with being 1 of 3 ring bearers....I believe he missed out on the pictures but he did make it down the aisle -- right to where I was sitting :-) I was very thankful that the ceremony was short because it is not fun trying to get 2 little boys (and 1big one...the husband) to sit still and keep quiet. Lucky for the big boy it was an outdoor wedding where, apparently, drinking a can of beer during the ceremony is acceptable. (only in Montana!) Mother Nature thought it would be funny to wait until the guests were seated and then rain on us for a good 10 minutes....(thank God cousin Sandra went and got her umbrella -- she had said that she just knew that if she went and got it that it would stop raining! I just can't figure out why she didn't go and get it sooner!) Luckily Mother Nature relented....she sent down sunshine for Angie to walk down the aisle and held off the rain throughout the ceremony....and then it just got colder from there. Don't get me wrong, I love a good outdoor wedding as much as the next guy....I just hope that by the time my girls are old enough to marry that some geek somewhere will have figured out a way to control the weather! (Why not? They figured out everything else!) Congratulations to the newlyweds Angie & Jon Weatherman! Until next time....

Monday, September 8, 2008

What a difference a day will make....

I am happy to report that my little boy decided that he likes school after all! He was a little nervous when we go there but after we stepped inside and bee-lined for the bathroom......while in the loo we had a little chat and he decided that he was going to be OK. I left my little darling behind with his new friends with a new sense of assurance. I never got "the call" this time and when I got there to pick him up he and all his new friends were playing in the sandbox. The teacher was excited to tell me that he drank his milk at snack time and even went potty for her! YEAH!!! (that is quite a feat in itself considering that he won't even go for his own dad :-) When it was time to leave, though, he again threw a fit -- only this time it was because he DID NOT want to leave school! LOL! I finally got him out of there kicking and screaming....let's hope tomorrow holds a better departure....The cutest thing is that when you ask him his name he says "6" and when you ask him who his best friend his he says "sandbox"! I love my special little boy :-) Until next time....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I found yet another who DOES NOT like school...

My second middle darling! As stated in a previous blog, he was extremely excited to start school and totally bummed when he found out that it was not at the same location as his sisters. Today was his first day at "Linda's". He was pretty excited until, on the way there, I told him that he would be there by himself without brother and me. He started to get a little worried but was still excited to see what was on the other side of the door. When we got inside his "static cling" problem got worse....he was more clingy than one of those annoying dryer sheets someone else finds stuck to the back of your shirt. We made a short trip to the bathroom and then settled in at a tiny table with microscopic chairs for a little "getting to know the place" time. After a few minutes he was comfortable enough for brother and I to leave and my last mental picture of his was a happy one. School runs from 8:30 to 11:00am. I was feeling pretty good about it all and was just saying so to one of the husband's sisters when I got "the call". Hello Mrs. Myrstol....your son had an accident (number 1, thank goodness!) can you bring some dry clothes? "I am on my way"! I then ask myself, "You knew this would should have just put the extra clothes in the backpack like you planned!" ( I knew this would happen because he as stubborn as a mule not because he likes to pee his pants!) When I got there he was a sad little sight. He was sitting on the step stool in the bathroom looking lost and he started to cry when he saw me. While I was getting him changed, he kept crying over and over, "I don't like school, I don't like school!" All I could think was, "Kid, you've got a long road ahead of you if you dislike school this much this early!" My plan of "you need to go to school or we will have to take your bike back to the store" totally backfired on me when he wanted to hold open the car door so I could load up his bike! Please wish us luck for we are going to try it one more time this Thursday. Lucky for him they are all just little little kids so I doubt they will dub him as "the kid who peed his pants his very first day of school!" Let's just hope he get over his dislike for school and this episode doesn't repeat itself when he get to kindergarten and little kids' memories seem to be somewhat keener! Until next time....