Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good thing I am not a vegetarian....(or work for PETA)

Because if I was I don't think I would last very long at my new job. Yes, I said J-O-B! I decided that being a stay at home mom wasn't challenging enough so I decided to take a stab at working at a nifty little meat locker called Pioneer Meats. Did I mention that I have been out of the work force for about 4 years? Lucky for me I didn't have to deal with "being the new guy" jitters since I, once again, work with one of my sisters and my mom when she isn't watching my 2 youngest. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I had a job that I didn't work with at least one of my immediate family! Gotta love that small town life!! Anyways, for those of you that have never actually been to a meat locker it usually has a distinct odor like no other. I used to say that I didn't think that there was any way that I could ever work in a place like that but, huh, go figure! Amazingly enough, once you are in the environment you don't really notice any weird smell except for the occasional "overly exposed to the elements" wild game!!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN!!!!.....that is one smell that I think could be used on death row -- who needs lethal injection?!?!?! I spend most of my days in a little corner by myself wrapping meat. When I am not there you can find me in the freezer trying to find orders that are usually way in the back at the bottom of the most inconvenient stack!!!! Not a good place to be with 2o lbs of steel in your ears!....maybe I should invest in a set of ear muffs or one of those cool furry hats that you would imagine every person in Russia owning! (for those of you who don't understand....I have 7 steel earrings in each ear!) All in all it is a pretty cool job and I get along with all who I work with. Hopefully I will still be able to keep my Tuesdays free for "coffee" with the girls!! Until next time....

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