Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ever get one of "those" emails?

You know the ones....they ask a million questions about your personal life so they can "get to know you" when, in fact, they are usually sent to you by someone you have known all your life. Don't get me wrong, I have been just as guilty about sending such emails out as anyone and I usually fill out the ones I receive and send them on, but instead of sending out another email I will just write it here so you all can get to know close attention for I am very complex.

1.) Are you a boy or girl? I am a girl. 2.) How old are you? I am older than 25 but younger than 40 and will be for a few more years. 3.) Are you married? I am married to a many times? A lady never tells -- or at least I am not going to. 4.) How many kids do you have? I have given birth to 4 delightful (hehehe) children....if you believe this statement you have not had the privilege to spend a great deal of time with said children. People say, "you must really love children to have such a big family now a days!" Nope, the husband and I just couldn't quite figure out what kept causing it! 5.) Do you have a job? For the past 4 years I have had the good fortune to be a stay at home mom. (for those of you familiar with this job you know that it requires more than the supplied space here to write a more accurate description) But I have recently started working a few days a week at a local meat locker.....interesting place to work if you are wanting get rid of any enemies....that is another story! 6.) Do you have any hobbies? I love to cook....when I am in the mood, otherwise frozen pizza is always good in a pinch. 7.) Do you have any interesting habits? People think I am a neat freak....freak maybe but they need to come by after both boys have been home and bored all day. 8.) Do you dye your hair? My answer would be...I'm sorry, have we met? 9.) Do you love pets? As long as they don't belong to any of my children, thus meaning that yours truly is responsible for them. We have tried owning several pets (mostly dogs) and luckily we have found loving homes for all of them! We do have one pet left that has been with us for 9 years, our cat Blackie, although some days I wonder if she was someone who had done wrong in a past life and was reincarnated as our cat as punishment! 10.) Do you like diamonds or pearls? No one I hang out with can afford either and if they can then they have been holding out on me! 11.) Are you funny? I like to think that I am, although I am sure that there are a few people that would disagree! 12) Have you ever eaten roadkill? I don't think so. 13.) What is your favorite color? I like them all man.....these mushrooms in my spaghetti taste funny! 14.) What is your favorite number? With my shrinking brain I am just glad that I can count to 10 (sometimes higher on a good day) 15.) Hugs or kisses? Both as long as they are not a surprise from the weird guy that lingers around the bus stop. Well I could go on forever but if I reveal all of inner secrets then I won't have any answers left for when I get the next one of "those" emails! Until next time....

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