Thursday, October 23, 2008


For those of you that have children, I am sure that you have heard these words before. For those of you who have not....let me enlighten you. Yo Gabba Gabba is a weird cartoon that comes on Nickelodeon ever day. It starts off with a guy coming out in a very fashionable orange jumpsuit thingy with a furry hat to match. (where can I get me one of those?) He is also carrying a big boom box which leads me to believe that he is some sort of DJ. He opens up the boom box and it is filled with his puppet friends. When he talks to them they come to life and they proceed to role play various child related situations, e.g. sharing, personal space, personal hygiene etc. I get the feeling that they are supposed to resemble space creatures because I have never seen any such creatures on this earth. Even though I find the whole show mildly disturbing my kids seem to love it...I will admit that once I hear it I usually have the Yo Gabba Gabba stuck in my head for the day! (It makes me wonder if we played the show backwards what kind of subliminal messages we would hear :-) I guess it could be worse....they could bring back the Teletubbies! They were popular when my second oldest was a baby....if you know what I am talking about, need I say more? I sometimes think that I see/hear too much of this channel....I don't encounter too many other adults that go around singing, "I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, "I'm the map, I"M THE MAP!" I guess the thing that really bugs me about that cartoon is how it is her show but she never really seems to know where she is going.....she constantly has to ask my kids for help! It is hard to explain to a little toddler why Dora can't hear them through the T.V. Another good "stick to your brain" cartoon is the Backyardigans! I am pretty sure that I have had dreams about those weird kids....and you can't close the subject without mentioning the "king" of them all -- SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! I must admit that the first time I saw this one I thought, "What the H-E-double hockey sticks is this?" But after hearing it in the background all the time I got used to it and eventually started watching it. Now I watch it even if the kids aren't around. I know that my co-workers think I am crazy because they don't seem to understand when I speak "spongebob" to them :-) Kid movies are not any better! I have a great knack for memorizing an entire movie (which will happen when you are forced to watch something at least a 100 times a day -- "can we say Barney?") and then recite it every time I watch it! My kids LOVE when I do this! Funny how they can hear me reciting a movie but they can't hear me ask them to clean their room or brush their teeth! Until next time....
P.S. I almost forgot my other favorite "wad of cartoon gum" that sticks to my brain...."WOW! WOW! Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wubbzy! WOW! WOW! The kids really love it when I say that OUTLOUD -- ALL THE TIME!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy yummy yummy there's a party in my tummy! (That show freaks me out too!) Plus, you know you need to get out more when Joe from Blues Clues makes an appearance on your "list of five"! (Mine's a revolving list, which is why I don't laminate it!)
