Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can you understand what I am saying?

My last post inspired me to write a tribute to all of you who are able to speak and, more importantly, understand the wonderful language of cartoon/movie lingo! You all know who you are or if you are just beginning to realize your new God given talent....welcome to the club! As I said in my last post I have a knack for memorizing movies, TV shows, cartoons, name it! Lucky for me my younger sister and one of my older brothers can makes for really fun conversations! I find it funny when people think we are speaking "in code" and all I can say is, "are you serious Clark?" (one of my favorites!) Just last week we were at an anniversary party (an oldies dance) and my sister had her 5 month old with her. In true movie lingo fashion my sister-in-law (truly a queen of this game in her own right) walked up to my sister and said, "Look at you. You have a a bar!" CLASSIC!! Kudos to you A.D.! (I hope you pick up on the initials A.D. and if you don't -- are you serious Clark?)
At work we put the wrapped meat into trays with our customers names on them. Last week we had one customer, Martha, who had a lot of meat so we came across her name often. Every time I saw it I couldn't help but say Martha Focker. By the end of the day I even had my sister and niece saying it....too funny. I was also in the freezer a lot that day and, (for those of you that don't know -- eyeglasses tend to frost over when exposed to warm air after being exposed to extreme cold), I came out one time and my sister asked me if I could see. All I could think of was, "She'll see it later Dear. Her eyes are frozen!"
So to all my loyal fans....remember to check your shitters and don't go falling in love my R.V. cuz I'm taking it with me when I leave next month! Until next time....
P.S...Be on the lookout -- future posts will more than likely contain more of my favorite lingo!

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