Thursday, October 16, 2008

What could be better??

Our little family was scheduled to travel to western Montana this morning to watch my two stepsons play football. On Monday my middle darling came home at lunch time because she had a headache. I thought for sure that she would be fine after a day or two....not so and she ended up at the doctor yesterday. Of course the usual happened.....she was sick enough for me to want to take her to the doctor and while we were there I am sure the doc wondered what we were doing there. Normal temperature and everything else, just like all my trips to the doc. (but then crashed again after we got home) I usually don't get too ruffled when my kids get sick but when I took her temp once it said 105!! "Surely that cannot be right!!!" I thought! I took it a few more times and it was finally consistent after the 10th time of taking it! (I am sure she wouldn't have minded had she known where/how they used to take a temp) Lucky for me she only vomited one time during this whole ordeal and it was on the linoleum so at least there is that! As for my question...What could be better?? What could be better than being trapped at home with a sick (but on the mend) child and two other little ones who are just waiting to get it? I say trapped because the doc says it would be better to keep everyone inside. What makes that so hard is that the weather is actually nice and snow free! (I still have my suspicions that playing in the snow last weekend might have had a helping hand in our demise!) My husband and oldest darling went on to the game without least someone gets to go outside! Hope they have fun! To all moms that experience similar situations this fall/winter....I feel your pain! (This may be the first illness of the season but I fear it won't be our last) Until next time....

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