Monday, September 8, 2008

What a difference a day will make....

I am happy to report that my little boy decided that he likes school after all! He was a little nervous when we go there but after we stepped inside and bee-lined for the bathroom......while in the loo we had a little chat and he decided that he was going to be OK. I left my little darling behind with his new friends with a new sense of assurance. I never got "the call" this time and when I got there to pick him up he and all his new friends were playing in the sandbox. The teacher was excited to tell me that he drank his milk at snack time and even went potty for her! YEAH!!! (that is quite a feat in itself considering that he won't even go for his own dad :-) When it was time to leave, though, he again threw a fit -- only this time it was because he DID NOT want to leave school! LOL! I finally got him out of there kicking and screaming....let's hope tomorrow holds a better departure....The cutest thing is that when you ask him his name he says "6" and when you ask him who his best friend his he says "sandbox"! I love my special little boy :-) Until next time....

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