Monday, March 23, 2009

Another "baby item" bites the dust....

Another milestone was hit in our box of heaven yesterday. I finally made the executive decision to surrender the place of mom and dad sanity where our sweet little one lays his head every night. (and sometimes during nap time) In case you are confused, we got rid of the crib. This is a decision I have been struggling with for a while now. Every time I would venture into his room to survey and try to make a decision I always came up with the same solution....let's leave him in there just a little bit longer. After all, he hasn't even tried to climb out yet! Our oldest could climb out when she was one, our 2nd oldest loved the crib and would probably still be in there if we had let her (did I mention that she is 8) and our 3rd child got booted out when he was not quite 2 to make room for little brother. There are only 3 bedrooms in our little cracker box....master for mom and dad, 2nd biggest room for sisters and the littlest room for the brothers. When one of the brothers is a little baby, it is hard to try and teach the bigger (but still little) brother how to be quiet while little brother is sleeping. Our solution to that (and I would say probably not a very good one) was to have big brother sleep in our room on the floor. He didn't mind since he got to watch T.V. (yes we have a T.V. in our room too) My husband grew tired of this idea quickly so big brother now gets to sleep in his sisters room. For the most part this has actually worked out well. Now that little brother is out of jail he is in the sisters room as well. He is not a pleasant room mate because he thinks it is cool to be with other people at bedtime which he sees as playtime. This means that I don't get much sleep because of all the "M-A-W-W-W-W-M'S" coming from the other end of the house. There is a set of bunk beds in the boys' room that we are going to try to employ. Right now they are painted white with pink and purple flowers on it. (Brings to mind a humorous image when you picture my 2 teenage stepsons sleeping in them!) Both little boys are in love with Lightening McQueen so we have decided to paint the beds red with maybe a lightening bolt or 2. Hopefully this will get them excited to sleep in there.....and if that don't guessed it -- there is always the T.V.! (Please don't judge....its all for the sake of sanity!) I know the girls will be happy! Well, looks like I have some painting to do!

Now if I can just get the little one out of diapers!


  1. Anything for sanity is what I totally believe in. The red beds with lightening bolts sound really cute. If I still lived there, I would offer to help paint. I'll just have to give moral support from afar...

  2. Thanks for the least its just a bed and not a house....LOL!
