Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Did the world stop?

Oh wait. It was just the universe that swirls above our little box of heaven that we live in! Our computer modem went out Sunday morning and that meant the end of the world to our 2 oldest children! They were "SOOOO BORED!" and "HAD NOTHING TO DO!" Besides the weather not cooperating, we have all been sick so that just adds to the happy feeling surrounding this place! Also at this age, it would be preposterous to play with your sister or brothers! It is much more fun to irritate mom and dad or fight than just get along! The girls got into a fight Sunday night over whose job it was to run the remote to the T.V. (yes, they have a T.V. in their room) They sleep in bunk beds with the oldest on the top bunk. When the hula-baloo broke out my husband went back to see what happened. Madison wanted Emily to push the play button on the remote to start the movie. When she refused (the remote wasn't in her hand, therefore it was too difficult to comply with her sister's request) Madison got up out of her bunk and stepped up on her bed to hit her sister for not doing what she "ever-so lovingly" asked. She was so set on getting "revenge" that she didn't even bother to get the remote and push the button herself or even just go directly to the T.V. (That reminds me of the time that we lost the remote to the T.V. in the living room and ended up watching something dumb because no on wanted to change to channel manually)
I won't lie, it is a little tough for me when the computer is down, but I don't use it for anything important like taking care of virtual pets like my girls do. I just use it to pay bills and write blogs. (and the occasional facebooking) After waiting all day yesterday for they cable guy to show up between 10 and 2, I finally called again and found out that he would not be showing up until the next day. Well he showed up right as I was walking out the door to take the kids to school so we were almost late. (For those of you that know me that know me know that I would have been there sooner but.....) The kids hovered around him like he was the coolest guy on the planet! Of course he was......he saved the day by restoring our link to the outside world! Thank you cable guy.....what would we do without you?!?
Have I ever told you how much I like summer?..........Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Ah, technology. There was a time when I would scamper off to Billings with friends, and we were completely unreachable because only Zack from Saved by the Bell had a cellular phone. Now, leaving home without it is simply terror inducing! (Enough so that I've actually turned around at Greycliff and gone back for it!)
