Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Am I In The Right Place?

For anyone who reads this blog (you must be pretty bored:-) you may have noticed that the looks of it has changed. I just wanted to let all my faithful readers (all 2 of them.....I am hoping for at least 3) know that I will probably do that from time to time. I guess I am a "change things around" kind of girl! If you were to come to my house once a month you would find that more often than not my furniture (in one room or another) is never in the same place. One of these days I am going to stumble out to the living room in the middle of the night (darned sleep walking disorder!!!!) and forget where my chair is and end up on the floor! Although, If you have been to my house lately you might think that the floor is not a bad alternative to the furniture as my darling youngest is starting to venture out in the food world. He now likes mobile snacks and he LOVES to smear said snacks. Maybe that is why, on the rare occasion, when company does come over they opt to sit in the kitchen....because who eats at the table anyway, right?! (Actually, I am proud to say that we do eat dinner at the table as a family it is just hard to teach a one year old to stay in the kitchen:-) Hopefully he will be more cooperative when it comes time to the potty training. I didn't think my soon-to-be 3 year old would ever learn and I had set myself up for a big fight but to my surprise he figured it out in less than a week. We did have an accident or two in the beginning but all is well now. I guess there is still that one little quirk......if I am within a 10 mile radius of him when nature calls, he would rather go in his pants than let anyone but me take him! I really hope that for the sake of his future wife this is a quirk that he will outgrow! (Although, I have met a few grown men in my day that always thought that they needed "help" because the doctor told them not to lift anything heavy.....I doubt I am the only girl that has encountered such men!...LOL) Anyways, baby is taking a nap so I think I will get the fabric cleaner out and put a shine on the furniture....he will need a clean palette for his creative outlet when he wakes up! Until next time....

Monday, April 28, 2008


To all you parents out there....Are you familiar with the "I HATE MONDAYS" child? My oldest child (yes she happens to be a girl....and quite dramatic, I might add!) is famous in our house for feeling "sick" when it comes to Mondays. No matter how great she felt over the weekend or how great the weather might be on any given Monday, when I try to get her out of bed the first words out of her mouth are, "I don't feel good!" She is an honor roll student so I didn't feel like she was missing out on too much the first few times she missed but after a while I started to feel like I was in that story The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. (or in this case the little girl) (To be honest with you, I am surprised that she hasn't tried my old bit yet -- "do I have a fever? Why yes you do and your temperature is hotter than the sun! ....No one told me that a fever of 150 might indicate a big problem!..LOL) As a parent you feel for any child that says they don't feel good and you want to make them feel better but there IS a line to be drawn somewhere. I may have to contact the Center For Disease Control and tell them that I have discovered a new illness called "Mondayitis". (I know it's not THAT new....I think we have all suffered from it a time or two!) The symptoms are: grogginess, irritability, pretending that they can't hear you, thinking that if they don't move you will forget about them, fighting with siblings, crying, pleading AND (if they finally get their way) sheer happiness. If they don't get their way.....LOOK OUT! My little darling will start stomping around and crying and mowing down anything in her way. She then starts her tirade of how dumb school is and that she wishes a tornado would hit it or it would flood or "they" would just stop having school! Amazingly enough, though, by the end of summer they have forgotten all about how much they hate school and are actually excited to go back. Lucky for all of us that live in THIS house, school is almost over! I guess when she is older and has to get a job she will realize just how "not bad" school was.....I'm just hoping she will be able to outgrow this "disease" before the start of school next fall! Until next time....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What is a "Headyball"?

Many people have asked me what does Headyball mean? Well, to be quite honest with you, I'm not really sure myself! Apparently it was a nickname given to me by a dear friend of the family when I was just a little tyke. I have always been curious what a Headyball is but I feel safe in betting that whatever it is there is only one. I admit that I have been dubbed with numerous nicknames over the years, (some that might not be appropriate to mention here :-) but for some strange reason this was the one that stuck. I guess it isn't all bad.....Fat Fred or Heather Bofeather could have been the keepers! (There is always something worse, right?
Just ask my daughter what she thinks of nicknames.......Joe Dirt and Creep are two of her least favorites! In all fairness though, there is a story behind Joe Dirt. One day, as I was watching over my children with my eagle eye, my precious little girl decided that her bangs were too long and she proceeded to cut them to the length that resembled a scraggly rooster tail jutting off of her forehead. (Good thing was that she used her school safety scissors -- wouldn't want her to poke an eye out!) Did I mention that it was summer and my little darling had managed to avoid the bathtub for a few days? Thanks to the combination of the rooster tail bangs and hair that looked like she had been rolling around in a pine tree, my little angel now had a beautifully crafted mullet! Ah, the mullet.......a hairdo for any occasion, really. Anyways, when her dad got home and saw the mullet plus the dirty face plus the high water bibs she was wearing he couldn't help but dub her Joe Dirt!! (For those of you that have seen the movie Joe Dirt --and honestly, who hasn't-- she greatly resembled the young version of Joe when he got left at the Grand Canyon!) So there you have it.....there is always something worse, just ask Joe! Until next time....

Friday, April 25, 2008

Since I Have Nothing ELSE To Do.....

As you read this you will probably figure out that I am new to the blogging scene. (writing them not reading them) My sister in law started one a while back and, I must say, I practically pee my pants everytime I read her posts. (because they are funny not because I have any kind of medical condition) Since I am a stay at home mom of 4 WONDERFULLY ANGELIC (I barely got that typed out before I had to stop and wipe the tears from my eyes because I was laughing so hard!) children, I thought I would start a blog that would allow me to share all of my trials and tribulations as said mom. I chose to title my first attempt "Since I have nothing ELSE to do.....because I get such a kick out of the people who don't spend much time around children....You know the ones -- They ask, "So what do you do for a living?" I reply, "I am a stay at home mom." Then, without truly understanding what they are saying they reply, "A STAY AT HOME MOM?! YOU ARE SOOOO... LUCKY!" "Really?" I ask. "Have you met my kids?" Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my children but sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve this....Oh wait, I remember now -- somewhere back in my childhood I vaguely remember hearing my mom threaten me with those famous words...."I hope that when you have kids they act exactly like you did!" Well guess what mom? You got your wish only I think God sprinkled a little extra hot sauce on mine!!!! It is pretty funny how when you are young you think that your parents know nothing but as soon as you have kids you realize just what true geniuses they really are! If only we had listened sooner!
My goal for this blog is to be able to share funny stories and anything else that comes to mind....let's just hope that it doesn't get in the way of my bon bon eating, magazine reading and soap watching time -- after all, isn't that what all stay at home mom's do? I gotta go -- Dr. Phil is on! Until next time......