Thursday, June 2, 2011


Last night was the first night of women's golf for 2011.  (it was supposed to be last week but Mother Nature's Aunt Flo must have been visiting because she was very uncooperative)
   Anyways,  we all had a blast.  I only had one beer but them other girls, they had a lot.  I did manage to spill a little in my mouth even though I think I spilled more in my cart. I kept forgetting where I set it and I would drive off and spill it. Autumn always make me drive but I after last night she may actually rethink her position on the subject. She almost learned the hard way that you never tell the driver that she may have lost something off the cart and not expect her to turn around and look.....whether she has the pedal to metal or not she will turn around and look! Oh and there were bushes and bridges and perhaps a few skid marks!  To top the evening off I told my golf mates that I was going to win the door prize....I was close. The girl sitting next to me did. (It was Autumn...hahaha) Anyways, here are a few pics of one of the fabulous pieces that was in her prize bag! She felt that the first didn't capture the true her so we took 2 more to get all the angles! She's a beauty and I am proud to call her my sister! Here's to many more fun Wednesday nights!

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