Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why I Love Summer Vacation

    My fellow blogger Autumndasey listed her reasons for not liking summer vacation.  While I definitely agree with her on many points there is are still a few reasons to love it.  My first and foremost favorite would be that after I get my hubby off to work I get to have a nice quiet cup of coffee by myself.  During the school year my biggest fight is getting everyone (mostly the oldest) out of bed and ready for school.  Actually they get out of bed easy enough but then they enter a time warp. The next thing I know someone is crying about something forgotten as we rush out the door.  On summer vacation we don't have that problem.  I would have to say that my other favorite thing about summer vacation is watching my kids play....when they are capable of entertaining themselves.  My 2 oldest spend their days fighting or hanging on me telling me how bored they are.  My 2 youngest love to play outside and they seem to enjoy each other's company (so far) and they don't tell me how bored they are on a regular basis and their ideas to cure boredom don't usually involve me having to consider a loan shark. (my girls are full of expensive ideas)  With my boys I just need to keep a watchful eye so they don't destroy the yard, my house, their bikes or each other.  Every summer that we get through that won't create a "remember that summer when I broke.....(insert arm, leg, finger etc... here)" or "remember that summer when I burned ______ down" is considered a great summer by me!  I took a few pics of my little ones playing in the sprinkler on that one day when it was hot.  They had a blast, it was free and no one got hurt....great summer so far!

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