Friday, June 24, 2011

the Dentist Turned My Son Into An Alien....

Ever since I started the whole dental quest with my children I have been asking myself why I didn't become a dentist.  When the kids ask me what they should be when they grow up I tell them "a dentist".  When people ask me what my children are gonna be when they grow up I tell them....."a dentist". Sometimes I dream that one of my girls will marry a dentist.  I guess for that matter my boys could marry a dentist....girls can be dentists, right?!  In case you are having trouble following, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around how much dental work costs.  I guess I shouldn't complain too children qualified for the Montana Healthy Kids...which is why I was able to take them to the dentist before their teeth fell out! After 2 years of constant dental visits, everyone is cavity free and cleared for 6 months! YEAH! Now, instead of paying for the dentist I need to take out a 2nd mortgage to afford all of the gas it took to get to those appointments! little man Rollie needs light sedation for his visits and Gabriel is a tough little bird and gets away with just laughing gas.  He makes us all laugh and then he falls asleep!  These are a few pics of his last visit...he needed the sunglasses to keep the dust out of his eyes and everything combined made my little man look like an alien!

P.S.....yes--he is sound asleep!

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