Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here Spring, Spring, Spring! Come on Spring!

In an effort to will positive thoughts to Mother Nature to just allow spring to happen, I have changed the layout of my blog page. I am trying to "Think Spring!" I love daisies, so I was pretty stoked when I found this layout! I think it is really fun and vibrant....just like me! ;-)
I may sound like I am grasping at straws but I need all the positive reinforcement that I can get right now. I would say that I am far from being depressed, but this weather is really starting to get the best of me! I went crazy with a paint brush and starting painting most of the rooms in my house a few months ago. I have many more plans for painting and "spring cleaning" (which is really just hauling A LOT of useless crap to the dump to make room for more useless crap!) but I have really lost my motivation this past week. I wake up every morning with big plans and then I look out the window! I really only need a couple of days of sunshine in a row and I would be back in business!!!!
Don't even get me started on softball.....there should be a rule that games can only be played if the temperature outside is 60* or above! (I know, I know....we will be complaining about the heat before too long) The girls had their first game this past Monday and Aye Chi WaWa!! (I know -- not spelled right but you can still sound it out!) Their game got cancelled last night (Thank God) and the jury is still out for Friday's game.....come on sunshine!!!!!
I have been trying to get the motivation to go paint my bathroom or "spring clean" all day but to no avail. Then about 1 hour ago the sun came out and I felt like I could jump up and get everything I wanted to done and then some....amazing what 5 minutes of sunshine will do for ya! And yet here I sit blogging instead.....I must be screwed up from the time change! (Isn't that what everyone blames there troubles on?!?!) Everyone help me count to three......1...2...3....Here I go!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yeah! For Happy Hour, I Think.......

For all my Facebook friends that saw my page last night and for anyone else who missed it......I celebrated Happy Hour again yesterday with a good ol' Costco sized bottle of wine. (again) I stopped at my sister's house to visit and we decided that a nice vat of wine was a very good idea. Well, after it took me 1/2 hour to go from 5th street to the Grand to fetch the wine, it really did taste good. I told her that I just wanted a quick glass so that I could get home to cook supper. Well, 1 hour and 1 large bottle of wine later my phone went to ringing! It was the husband! I let my sister answer my phone. When he asked her what we were doing she said, "We are sitting here watching...(a slight pause) absolutely nothing on TV. I should probably mention that we had been listening to music and the TV wasn't on. She failed to notice that little detail before she tried to pull the wool over his eyes! HE decided that he was gonna stuff his pockets with some cans of beer and head on over. WE decided that he needed to go to the Grand and get more wine. Well, he liked the wine so much that I am pretty sure that he drank most of the second bottle by himself. (darn him....that is my favorite wine) We then decided that it would be a good idea to go uptown to pick up some pizza for dinner. A few beers and a couple of pizzas later we were on our way home. I decided that it would be a good idea to stay up for a bit and drink a couple 5 gallon buckets of water (and maybe a few Advil) so that I would wake up human in the morning. (Lucky for me 2 of my kids decided to wake up in the middle of the night.....if nothing else, at least I was able to whiz out a couple gallons of that water I drank) I decided that I would check Facebook real quick and see what was going on! Well, apparently I was in the mood to take 100 of those dumb quizzes that are hardly ever right, but at least now I know that if I ever want to get a part in the movie Twilight or Van Helsing I apparently am a werewolf. If I decide to be a superhero I could become The Flash because it says that I can run at the speed of light. (The people that made up this quiz obviously never had gym class with me) If I were a symbol on a totem pole I would be the has amazing vision bringing the gift of insight -- its about time someone besides me realized this. (I guess it could have been worse...I could have been the hyena....what do you think, Ed?!) And last but not least, I found out that if I were and evil leader I would be most like Adolf Hitler, the 2nd most evil leader. I wonder who the most evil leader was......
I also apparently have a deep secret love for Bob Barker because I quoted him. You have to admit, it really is a good message he was trying to send and who doesn't love The Price is Right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! or a spritely 80+ year old?!?! If only I were 50 years older I would be all over that!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

At The Risk Of Exposing My Secret Identity.....

If you are familiar with Facebook then I am sure that you have encountered the "name generators". These are the nifty little "applications" (as seen on Facebook) that ask you to insert your real name and in turn they generate a neat little "secret" (for lack of a better word) name. Thus, why it is called "name generators". At the risk of exposing my secret identities, I wanted to share a few of my "secret" names.

If I were to become a stripper (with the economy in the toilet it could happen if my kids keep going to the dentist) my name will be "Tiffany Sparklevelvet". It is an interesting name but hearing the name Tiffany would always make me think of teen sensation of the 80s. (I am not sure if she was really a sensation, but I shamefully admit that I liked a few of her songs)

If I were to become a villianess my name will be Manic Hellcat. I suppose if I get angry enough I could do the name justice, but I was thinking more along the lines of "Crazy-eyed House Frau". (get it? Because I am a stay at home mom?!?!) Although, it would be fun to tell your friends that your mom is the "Manic Hellcat".

On the other hand, if I were to become a superhero my name will be "The Charismatic Inferno". I can be quite charismatic and was a bit of a pyromaniac when I was younger and again I say, how cool would it be to tell your friends?!

If I were to become a pirate they said my name should be "Captain Soggy Beard of the pirate ship Fruity Sailor. It is nice to see that they made me a Captain but if I am going to gain any kind of r-e-s-p-e-c-t from the crew I will have to go with something like "Captain Crazy-eyed Biotch". (you best be fearing the eyes!)

When the Smurfs come calling for the new 102nd smurf, I will join the cast as "Vulgar Smurf". Vulgar?! Me?! Maybe in my younger years but I try to be a good mommy! (snicker, snort)

If and when I decide to take over the job of the Easter Bunny I will become "Cadbury Choco-paws". Let's hope that I don't eat my own my own paws....if that happens I will NEVER get the eggs delivered!

And last but not least, If I am to become part of the Mafia (who am I kidding, I will take the whole damned thing over) you will then know me as "Sammy Crazy Eyes Pistone". (What is up with the crazy eyes?!?!)
If any of you happen to encounter me while I am in the disguise of any of these secret identities, please just smile politely, nod and then walk away.....if you don't I may just have to kill sense in putting my family's safety at risk!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is 3:00pm too early for "Happy Hour"?

I must be becoming a victim of cabin fever. Happy Hour hit my house at 3:00 yesterday afternoon. Before you judge, let me explain.
First of all, anyone that knows me knows that I am far from being good at drinking. I don't think that I even classify as a "social drinker".....I drink little enough that when people do see me drinking they say, "OMG! Heather is having a drink?" (they don't really say OMG, that is for texters, but I didn't want to offend anyone by saying the G word. Although, the fact that I was drinking at 3 in the afternoon may offend some people so I guess I can't please everyone;-) ANYWAY.....I was given a large (large as in the size that they use in a bar) bottle of my favorite wine as a gift. I should have just put it in the fridge (yes I said fridge because my favorite wine is fruity and much better when it is chilled!) and continued on with my day, but the kids were already home because they got out early yesterday, so I thought "What the heck?" So I cracked open the bottle with the intention of just having one little glass. I drank one glass and decided to have just a scoch more and I spilled most of it while I was telling a story. ( Again I say, anyone that knows me knows that I talk with my hands. In fact, my family always jokes that I would probably never be able to talk again if I were to lose my arms in an accident! It may seem morbid but it is actually quite true and funny! You can't always get your point across by trying to use your shoulders as hands! LOL!) Well, between my sister an me we managed to finish the whole bottle. Had I drank that bottle by myself I doubt I would be sitting here writing this....I would probably be sleeping in my bathroom very near the throne! (I told you I was a bad drinker) I managed to only drink enough to make me REALLY tired. I got the family fed and put to bed and I was so tired that I was sure that it was like midnight. Turns out that it was only 9:00pm. (which is actually close to our real bedtime.....are we getting old or what?!?!? At least we don't eat dinner at 4:00) I woke up feeling good (Thank G!) but I have decided that I am still bad at drinking........but don't we all deserve to let loose once in a while?!?!?!