Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here Spring, Spring, Spring! Come on Spring!

In an effort to will positive thoughts to Mother Nature to just allow spring to happen, I have changed the layout of my blog page. I am trying to "Think Spring!" I love daisies, so I was pretty stoked when I found this layout! I think it is really fun and vibrant....just like me! ;-)
I may sound like I am grasping at straws but I need all the positive reinforcement that I can get right now. I would say that I am far from being depressed, but this weather is really starting to get the best of me! I went crazy with a paint brush and starting painting most of the rooms in my house a few months ago. I have many more plans for painting and "spring cleaning" (which is really just hauling A LOT of useless crap to the dump to make room for more useless crap!) but I have really lost my motivation this past week. I wake up every morning with big plans and then I look out the window! I really only need a couple of days of sunshine in a row and I would be back in business!!!!
Don't even get me started on softball.....there should be a rule that games can only be played if the temperature outside is 60* or above! (I know, I know....we will be complaining about the heat before too long) The girls had their first game this past Monday and Aye Chi WaWa!! (I know -- not spelled right but you can still sound it out!) Their game got cancelled last night (Thank God) and the jury is still out for Friday's game.....come on sunshine!!!!!
I have been trying to get the motivation to go paint my bathroom or "spring clean" all day but to no avail. Then about 1 hour ago the sun came out and I felt like I could jump up and get everything I wanted to done and then some....amazing what 5 minutes of sunshine will do for ya! And yet here I sit blogging instead.....I must be screwed up from the time change! (Isn't that what everyone blames there troubles on?!?!) Everyone help me count to three......1...2...3....Here I go!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't take much sunshine to come out of my "hole" also. I'm chanting and cheering the sun on also.
