Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is 3:00pm too early for "Happy Hour"?

I must be becoming a victim of cabin fever. Happy Hour hit my house at 3:00 yesterday afternoon. Before you judge, let me explain.
First of all, anyone that knows me knows that I am far from being good at drinking. I don't think that I even classify as a "social drinker".....I drink little enough that when people do see me drinking they say, "OMG! Heather is having a drink?" (they don't really say OMG, that is for texters, but I didn't want to offend anyone by saying the G word. Although, the fact that I was drinking at 3 in the afternoon may offend some people so I guess I can't please everyone;-) ANYWAY.....I was given a large (large as in the size that they use in a bar) bottle of my favorite wine as a gift. I should have just put it in the fridge (yes I said fridge because my favorite wine is fruity and much better when it is chilled!) and continued on with my day, but the kids were already home because they got out early yesterday, so I thought "What the heck?" So I cracked open the bottle with the intention of just having one little glass. I drank one glass and decided to have just a scoch more and I spilled most of it while I was telling a story. ( Again I say, anyone that knows me knows that I talk with my hands. In fact, my family always jokes that I would probably never be able to talk again if I were to lose my arms in an accident! It may seem morbid but it is actually quite true and funny! You can't always get your point across by trying to use your shoulders as hands! LOL!) Well, between my sister an me we managed to finish the whole bottle. Had I drank that bottle by myself I doubt I would be sitting here writing this....I would probably be sleeping in my bathroom very near the throne! (I told you I was a bad drinker) I managed to only drink enough to make me REALLY tired. I got the family fed and put to bed and I was so tired that I was sure that it was like midnight. Turns out that it was only 9:00pm. (which is actually close to our real bedtime.....are we getting old or what?!?!? At least we don't eat dinner at 4:00) I woke up feeling good (Thank G!) but I have decided that I am still bad at drinking........but don't we all deserve to let loose once in a while?!?!?!


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  2. I don't think 3:00pm is too early for Happy Hour. Having kids home early is a desperate time and everyone knows that desperate times call for desperate measures.

  3. Oh Heady. Who declared 5:00 as happy hour? People who work outside the home. These people also get days off and sick leave. (and they are rarely asked to offer their body as nurishment) so enjoy that wine! But I don't know, I'm pretty drunk.
