Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can you understand what I am saying?

My last post inspired me to write a tribute to all of you who are able to speak and, more importantly, understand the wonderful language of cartoon/movie lingo! You all know who you are or if you are just beginning to realize your new God given talent....welcome to the club! As I said in my last post I have a knack for memorizing movies, TV shows, cartoons, name it! Lucky for me my younger sister and one of my older brothers can makes for really fun conversations! I find it funny when people think we are speaking "in code" and all I can say is, "are you serious Clark?" (one of my favorites!) Just last week we were at an anniversary party (an oldies dance) and my sister had her 5 month old with her. In true movie lingo fashion my sister-in-law (truly a queen of this game in her own right) walked up to my sister and said, "Look at you. You have a a bar!" CLASSIC!! Kudos to you A.D.! (I hope you pick up on the initials A.D. and if you don't -- are you serious Clark?)
At work we put the wrapped meat into trays with our customers names on them. Last week we had one customer, Martha, who had a lot of meat so we came across her name often. Every time I saw it I couldn't help but say Martha Focker. By the end of the day I even had my sister and niece saying it....too funny. I was also in the freezer a lot that day and, (for those of you that don't know -- eyeglasses tend to frost over when exposed to warm air after being exposed to extreme cold), I came out one time and my sister asked me if I could see. All I could think of was, "She'll see it later Dear. Her eyes are frozen!"
So to all my loyal fans....remember to check your shitters and don't go falling in love my R.V. cuz I'm taking it with me when I leave next month! Until next time....
P.S...Be on the lookout -- future posts will more than likely contain more of my favorite lingo!


For those of you that have children, I am sure that you have heard these words before. For those of you who have not....let me enlighten you. Yo Gabba Gabba is a weird cartoon that comes on Nickelodeon ever day. It starts off with a guy coming out in a very fashionable orange jumpsuit thingy with a furry hat to match. (where can I get me one of those?) He is also carrying a big boom box which leads me to believe that he is some sort of DJ. He opens up the boom box and it is filled with his puppet friends. When he talks to them they come to life and they proceed to role play various child related situations, e.g. sharing, personal space, personal hygiene etc. I get the feeling that they are supposed to resemble space creatures because I have never seen any such creatures on this earth. Even though I find the whole show mildly disturbing my kids seem to love it...I will admit that once I hear it I usually have the Yo Gabba Gabba stuck in my head for the day! (It makes me wonder if we played the show backwards what kind of subliminal messages we would hear :-) I guess it could be worse....they could bring back the Teletubbies! They were popular when my second oldest was a baby....if you know what I am talking about, need I say more? I sometimes think that I see/hear too much of this channel....I don't encounter too many other adults that go around singing, "I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, "I'm the map, I"M THE MAP!" I guess the thing that really bugs me about that cartoon is how it is her show but she never really seems to know where she is going.....she constantly has to ask my kids for help! It is hard to explain to a little toddler why Dora can't hear them through the T.V. Another good "stick to your brain" cartoon is the Backyardigans! I am pretty sure that I have had dreams about those weird kids....and you can't close the subject without mentioning the "king" of them all -- SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! I must admit that the first time I saw this one I thought, "What the H-E-double hockey sticks is this?" But after hearing it in the background all the time I got used to it and eventually started watching it. Now I watch it even if the kids aren't around. I know that my co-workers think I am crazy because they don't seem to understand when I speak "spongebob" to them :-) Kid movies are not any better! I have a great knack for memorizing an entire movie (which will happen when you are forced to watch something at least a 100 times a day -- "can we say Barney?") and then recite it every time I watch it! My kids LOVE when I do this! Funny how they can hear me reciting a movie but they can't hear me ask them to clean their room or brush their teeth! Until next time....
P.S. I almost forgot my other favorite "wad of cartoon gum" that sticks to my brain...."WOW! WOW! Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wubbzy! WOW! WOW! The kids really love it when I say that OUTLOUD -- ALL THE TIME!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I found something better.....

I never thought I would say this but........something better than being trapped in the house with kids is................all four of them yelling and fighting with each other! That means that everyone is back to normal! As I sit here writing this, the two middle ones are crying and yelling because the oldest one ran off next door to their cousins house without them. Can you say "nap"? Baby brother is just wandering around quietly trying to get big brother's helmet on. I have to be honest, my 2nd oldest darling is quite notorious for her "sometimes unpleasant to be around" attitude. As I said before, I have been home all week with her and her illness. It may sound mean but I guess I was hoping a little that her high fever would possibly melt away a little bit of her "not so nice" side. Well I think that her siblings will attest to the fact that said miracle indeed DID NOT happen. Thus, as I said, everything is back to normal! I hate to cut this short but I just saw my 3 year old jump the fence to catch up to the big kids and I suppose I better go get him! Or maybe I will wait 5 minutes to see if they bring him back.....I think I will pick door #2 and enjoy my 5 minutes of peace and quiet! Until next time....

P.S. Here is a picture of my three year old in his usual every day attire! Talk about casual! The helmet is a new addition for the day (maybe to protect himself from darling #2) and check out that salute! I think the neighbors (and anyone who has driven by my house) enjoy watching my children play and enjoy it even more when they realize that they are my children and not theirs :-) -- especially when my 3 year old drops trow and sprinkles a little art work around the yard any time the mood strikes! I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go! I can't wait until he teaches that one to his little brother....Yeah! Memories! Even with all of the fighting I wouldn't trade my kids for anything......What's that? A free trip to Hawaii? Hmmmmm....Let me think about it!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What could be better??

Our little family was scheduled to travel to western Montana this morning to watch my two stepsons play football. On Monday my middle darling came home at lunch time because she had a headache. I thought for sure that she would be fine after a day or two....not so and she ended up at the doctor yesterday. Of course the usual happened.....she was sick enough for me to want to take her to the doctor and while we were there I am sure the doc wondered what we were doing there. Normal temperature and everything else, just like all my trips to the doc. (but then crashed again after we got home) I usually don't get too ruffled when my kids get sick but when I took her temp once it said 105!! "Surely that cannot be right!!!" I thought! I took it a few more times and it was finally consistent after the 10th time of taking it! (I am sure she wouldn't have minded had she known where/how they used to take a temp) Lucky for me she only vomited one time during this whole ordeal and it was on the linoleum so at least there is that! As for my question...What could be better?? What could be better than being trapped at home with a sick (but on the mend) child and two other little ones who are just waiting to get it? I say trapped because the doc says it would be better to keep everyone inside. What makes that so hard is that the weather is actually nice and snow free! (I still have my suspicions that playing in the snow last weekend might have had a helping hand in our demise!) My husband and oldest darling went on to the game without least someone gets to go outside! Hope they have fun! To all moms that experience similar situations this fall/winter....I feel your pain! (This may be the first illness of the season but I fear it won't be our last) Until next time....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ever get one of "those" emails?

You know the ones....they ask a million questions about your personal life so they can "get to know you" when, in fact, they are usually sent to you by someone you have known all your life. Don't get me wrong, I have been just as guilty about sending such emails out as anyone and I usually fill out the ones I receive and send them on, but instead of sending out another email I will just write it here so you all can get to know close attention for I am very complex.

1.) Are you a boy or girl? I am a girl. 2.) How old are you? I am older than 25 but younger than 40 and will be for a few more years. 3.) Are you married? I am married to a many times? A lady never tells -- or at least I am not going to. 4.) How many kids do you have? I have given birth to 4 delightful (hehehe) children....if you believe this statement you have not had the privilege to spend a great deal of time with said children. People say, "you must really love children to have such a big family now a days!" Nope, the husband and I just couldn't quite figure out what kept causing it! 5.) Do you have a job? For the past 4 years I have had the good fortune to be a stay at home mom. (for those of you familiar with this job you know that it requires more than the supplied space here to write a more accurate description) But I have recently started working a few days a week at a local meat locker.....interesting place to work if you are wanting get rid of any enemies....that is another story! 6.) Do you have any hobbies? I love to cook....when I am in the mood, otherwise frozen pizza is always good in a pinch. 7.) Do you have any interesting habits? People think I am a neat freak....freak maybe but they need to come by after both boys have been home and bored all day. 8.) Do you dye your hair? My answer would be...I'm sorry, have we met? 9.) Do you love pets? As long as they don't belong to any of my children, thus meaning that yours truly is responsible for them. We have tried owning several pets (mostly dogs) and luckily we have found loving homes for all of them! We do have one pet left that has been with us for 9 years, our cat Blackie, although some days I wonder if she was someone who had done wrong in a past life and was reincarnated as our cat as punishment! 10.) Do you like diamonds or pearls? No one I hang out with can afford either and if they can then they have been holding out on me! 11.) Are you funny? I like to think that I am, although I am sure that there are a few people that would disagree! 12) Have you ever eaten roadkill? I don't think so. 13.) What is your favorite color? I like them all man.....these mushrooms in my spaghetti taste funny! 14.) What is your favorite number? With my shrinking brain I am just glad that I can count to 10 (sometimes higher on a good day) 15.) Hugs or kisses? Both as long as they are not a surprise from the weird guy that lingers around the bus stop. Well I could go on forever but if I reveal all of inner secrets then I won't have any answers left for when I get the next one of "those" emails! Until next time....